Racing oars

About oars

Oar shafts

An overview about our oar shafts

   Ø bend oars weight
normal 57 mm 54 mm = soft 2550 - 2630 gr
stiff 57 mm 44 mm = medium 2550 - 2630 gr
slimeline 53 mm 52 mm = soft 2500 - 2710 gr

The bending curve is defined by following :

Oars lengths

Our racing oars are available with fixed or adjustable lengths.

Of course we can provide different measures for adjustable oars.


For non-adjustable oars you can choose different lengths.

For adjustable oars we recommend following three lengths:

adjustable from 374 to 379cm, collar middle position of inbord 115cm and length 376cm

adjustable from 371 to 376cm, collar middle position of inbord 115cm and length 374cm

adjustable from 368 to 373cm, collar middle position of inbord 115cm and length 371cm

Oars blades

Overview our oars blade shapes:

  size area
large 55cm x 25,5cm 1161,5cm²
medium 53,5cm x 25,5cm 1123,5cm²
small 52cm x 25,5cm 1085,5cm²
roundet large 55cm x 25,5cm 1154,5cm²
roundet medium 53,5cm x 25,5cm 1116,5cm²
roundet small 52cm x 25,5cm 1078,5cm²

Overview our oars blade shapes:

Macon blade
classical blade 57cm x 20,3cm


Smooth blade
Smooth big blade with out rib


Vortex edge
Drop-shaped front edge -for betterblade flow

Leaf shape roundet

Oar handles

We offer our oars handle made of poplar wood in this measurments:

Poplar wood   Carbon with rubber grip  
men 42 - 50 mm men 39 - 43 mm
women 39 - 50 mm women 35 - 39 mm


Oar bags

The oar bags are made of heavy and strong woven polyster fabric, PVC coated. In the bag fit two oars.

Between the blades there is a soft internal divider panel to keep it separate.

The oar shafts are fixed with Velcro straps.

The bag has zip along the whole length.


Could we spark your interest? For your individual measurements and technical details please define the relevant specifications in our oar specificaton sheet.

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